Thursday, March 1, 2012

QLD: Canegrowers seek exemption from higher wages

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD: Canegrowers seek exemption from higher wages

BRISBANE, Aug 26 AAP - Sugarcane farmers will seek an exemption from paying up to $12 a
week more to their workers because they say they can't afford it.

Ian Ballantyne, general manager of Canegrowers, which represents Queensland's 6,500
sugarcane farmers, said producers had been hit hard by low world sugar prices and adverse cane
growing conditions in many areas of the state.

Mr Ballantyne said Canegrowers would make a submission to the Full Bench of the Queensland
Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) next week, citing the growers' "incapacity to pay" the
higher labour costs.

"Canegrowers successfully sought leave from the Commission to argue the case for exemption
on the basis of a dramatic cut in industry income over the last two crop seasons plus bleak
prospects for a turnaround in their financial situation," he said in a statement.

"This year, growers and sugar millers face a drop in combined income which will be in the
vicinity of $60 million compared with two years ago."

Current low world sugar prices were expected to continue next year and beyond, Mr
Ballantyne said.

"The current bleak situation of the sugar industry is in stark contrast with the rest of
the Australian economy, which is enjoying a period of relative prosperity," Mr Ballantyne

"Although the sugar industry continues to have a sound long-term outlook, producers are
currently struggling to remain viable," he said.

On August 19, the QIRC granted a $12 a week increase in all award rates below $510 and a
$10 a week increase in all award rates above $510 a week.

The QIRC granted a temporary exemption for the Division Two Sugar Industry Field Sector
Award from paying the higher wages until the submission was heard on September 1-3.

AAP rad/apm/br


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