Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SA: Be active challenge for SA students

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Be active challenge for SA students

ADELAIDE, April 30 AAP - The South Australian government is challenging primary school
and early high school students to be more active in a bid to reduce childhood obesity.

The government has launched the $1.8 million Premier's Be Active Challenge, which will
encourage students from reception to year nine to be physically active for at least one
hour each day over a 10-week period.

"We want children to turn off the television and computer games and turn to physical
activity," Education Minister Jane Lomax-Smith said.

"The healthy habits we teach children today can help to reduce their risk of type two
diabetes, heart disease and other obesity-related health conditions in the future.

"It's critical that our young people get plenty of physical activity whether it's playing
in a local park, enjoying physical education lessons at school or taking part in organised

Students who take part in the challenge will be rewarded with medals and other awards
while schools will be eligible for sports equipment grants.

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