Wednesday, February 29, 2012

ACT: Main stories in Tuesday's Canberra newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
ACT: Main stories in Tuesday's Canberra newspapers

CANBERRA, April 27 AAP - The main stories in Tuesday's Canberra Times:

Page 1: Melbourne Storm former chief executive Brian Waldron says he wasn't the sole
architect of the club's salary cap rort. The federal government's funding for environment
protection programs could be slashed by up to 25 per cent in next month's budget.

Page 2: The retirement savings of many Australians could be boosted by up to $50,000
under a federal government plan. Troy Buswell's future as West Australian treasurer is
in jeopardy.

Page 3: The fallout from the Labor preselection battles in the seats of Canberra and
Fraser continues. Safety was second to job creation under the federal government's home
insulation scheme, a whistleblower says.

World: The Pope has told priests to safeguard children from evil. Thailand's Red Shirt
protesters have told followers to ditch their usual crimson attire and go undercover.

Finance: Australian firms want the Henry tax review to give them less taxes and red
tape. The Australian dollar ended US1c higher, after the Greek government's request for
aid boosted sentiment for high-yielding assets.

Sport: ACT Brumbies flyhalf Matt Giteau has called for referee Steve Walsh to be dumped
for Saturday night's clash with the Queensland Reds. Melbourne Storm former chief executive
Brian Waldron asked for an amnesty period for clubs to admit breaching the NRL salary
cap three years ago.

AAP bsb/rs


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