Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED: Hospital study shows full moon's "werewolf" effect

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Hospital study shows full moon's "werewolf" effect

A hospital study has found a spike in out-of-control "werewolf" patients during a full moon.

Almost a quarter of the 91 emergency cases rated as having violent and acute behavioural
disturbance at the Calvary Mater hospital in Newcastle over 12 months occurred under a
full moon.

LEONIE CALVER .. a clinical research nurse in toxicology .. says all had to be sedated
and physically restrained to protect themselves and others .. as some attacked the staff
like animals ... biting .. spitting and scratching.

She says modern day werewolves are more likely to be influenced by alcohol and drugs
than belladonna and nightshade from mythology.

AAP RTV dr/jmt


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