CHICAGO, April 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Advertising is looking upin early 2011, according to the STRATA quarterly survey of majoradvertising agencies. STRATA, a leading media buying and sellingsoftware provider, found that new confidence in advertising duringthe first quarter resulted in 56% of respondents reporting anincrease in overall business. TV is the most attractive draw foradvertising dollars, but social media lost ground in the interactivespend category.
As indicated in STRATA's previous quarterly survey, advertisingis steadily rebounding. This quarter, 77.5% of respondents indicatedthat their customers are either increasing budgets or keeping themthe same. This has resulted in an impressive 43% of agenciesplanning to hire staff this year (a 76% increase over last quarterand 72% increase over the first quarter in 2010). The survey alsonoted that most agencies expect the economy and their business toreturn to a strong growth period (31%) by late 2011, with 17%stating that they are already there.
The STRATA survey also found in terms of Interactive Spend,Online Display remains the top choice (76%) followed by Search (57%)and Social Media, which surprisingly fell from second to third(56.3%). Mobile was once again out of step with advertisers, rankeda distant fourth (20.3%) during the first quarter. Facebook is thetop Social Media focus for advertisers (82.7%), followed by YouTube(38%) then Twitter (36%). The iPhone is the top mobile devicetargeted by advertisers for campaigns (76%), followed by Android(46%) and then Blackberry (36%), which is down 31% since the lastpoll. Interestingly, when asked how they purchase their Digitaladvertising, "through traditional media" was the top answer followedby "through an Ad Network" (reverse of last quarter).
When comparing all forms of media, Spot TV lead the charge as 45%of respondents indicated that they focused on it more than anyother. Digital spend ranked next at 22% and Spot Radio was a closethird at 16%. Over 29% of agencies are more focused on Cable than ayear ago, an increase of 88% over last quarter.
"Advertising's rebound in 2010 has continued into early 2011 witheven more confidence building results," said John Shelton, STRATACEO/President. "Agency business is increasing, and the prosperity isspreading as clients look to spread advertising dollars to allmedia. This has greatly benefited Cable, which has increasedconsiderably in the last 12 months. The rest of the year continuesto look positive for advertisers, and even those out of work, as alarge number of agencies expect to hire staff at all levels."
Radio was once again solid during the first quarter, with 32% ofthose surveyed indicating that it is more of a focus than it waslast year (up 36% over last quarter and up 69% over a year ago).Although a majority (56%) stated that they are less focused on printthan last year, it is slowly making a comeback, as 14% say they aremore focused on it than they were in 2010 (54% increase over lastquarter). The survey found that 70% of respondents indicated thatInternet is more of a focus this year, which although impressive, isactually down 10% from last year.
Other key findings of the STRATA survey:
Location-based advertising continues to stay well off the radarfor advertisers; with 63% still saying it is not in their 2011plans. Those few who are interested throw their support behindFacebook Places as the top choice, followed by Foursquare.
Digital spend - 39.4% don't anticipate ever having greaterdigital spend than traditional. (11% noted that they are havinggreater digital spend)
Spot TV - 28% of the survey respondents indicated that Spot TV ismore of a focus this year than last year - up 11%.
Part two of STRATA's agency survey will be released on April 29.The next set of data will provide an update on how traditionaladvertising mixed with digital during Q1.
STRATA is the nation's leading provider of media buying andselling software. The custom solutions supplied by STRATA empowerclients to sell and efficiently purchase all media types includingcable, broadcast, newspaper, radio, outdoor and digital advertisingmediums. On average, over $50 Billion in advertising dollars flowthrough STRATA systems per year.
The whole-scale changes that are occurring in this fragmentedmedia landscape require a customizable and convergent solution.STRATA provides the technology to enable organizations to leadrather than react. By transforming the way advertisements are placedand tracked, STRATA adds efficiency and precision across traditionaland emerging platforms.
Headquartered in Chicago, STRATA has been supplying solutions tothe media buying and selling industry since 1983. STRATA is owned byComcast Cable For more information, or call (800) 9 STRATA
For more information:, and on Twitter - @gotostrata
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